About Us

Birsa Institute of Technical Education (BITE) which is Government approved trust. BITE has state-of-the-art talent development skills community and it possess the best Collection of highly qualified, skilled and innovative Subject Matter Experts (SME) having years of experience in their arena.

It is generally established with prime vision and objective to promote and developed the Minority Community, SC and ST as number of students of these Community are unable to get education due to their financial constraints and being placed in the remote areas

Mission:  The mission of B.I.T. Education promotes excellence in lifelong learning, focused on student success and community needs through innovative, flexible learning opportunities for people of all ages, backgrounds, and aspirations resulting in self-fulfillment and competitiveness in an increasingly global society.

Aim :

  • The aim of the B.I.T.E is to provide best and powerful education and training services to their student.
  •  Towards employment generation and improvement of the physical and social environment of the urban poor and the urban poor neighborhood respectively.
  • BITE aimed at providing basic technical and entrepreneurial skill to the rural poor in the age group of 18-35 years enable them take up income generating activities (self/wage employment). It had been laid down that the coverage of youth from SC/ST/Minority communities should be at least 50% of rural youth trained.


  • Vision of B.I.T Education will be produce socially, sensitive and responsible and for using advance information and communication tools to create preserve and disseminate knowledge.
  • In the next decade, B.I.T.E. – Great Falls will play a leading role in transforming the lives of our students, their communities and the economic prosperity of B.I.T.E. by responding to learner and community needs through the use of partnerships, innovation, outreach and technology.


  • The objective of the B.I.T.E is the creation of durable community, social and economic assets and development in rural and urban areas
  • BITE provide knowledge about the so many government schemes for self employment.
  • BITE provide upto 100% scholarship to Minority, Schedule Caste , Schedule Tribe, Physically Handicapped and poor students.
  • BITE aimed at providing basic technical and entrepreneurial skill to the rural poor in the age group of 18-35 years enable them take up income generating activities (self/wage employment). It had been laid down that the coverage of youth from SC/ST communities should be at least 50% of rural youth trained. Out of the total beneficiaries, at least 50% should be women.
  • Unemployed Youth in the age group of 19-35 years who are Matriculates and above are eligible for assistance under BITE diploma and certification program.

B.I.T.E offers courses in regular mode with all the facility to the student. In regular mode we offers BBA, MBA,BCA, MCA, BSC IT AND MSC IT. Our faculty members are good qualified. We also offers corporate training during education. We assist them for their employment in various sector [/tab_item]

Distance educationdistance learning, dlearning, or D-Learning is a mode of delivering education and instruction, often on an individual basis, to students who are not physically present in a traditional setting such as a classroom. B.I.T.E offers courses in Distance mode from recognized unversity.

It is generally established with prime vision and objective to promote and developed the Minority Community, SC and ST as number of students of these Community are unable to get education due to their financial constraints and being placed in the remote areas. The diploma certification courses of Birsa Institute of Technical Education is  autonomous courses, designed by the council itself and the Certification are given by the Council itself for promoting self employment and skill development. CLICK HERE  for more detail